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Taxes can be confusing and we are here to help make it easier, especially if you are filing your taxes yourself. On this page you will find tips to help you with many of the questions you may have and links to IRS and MN Department of Revenue Newsletters. Whether you are filing your Individual Income Taxes or are filing for your business we have tips for you! You will also find links for helpful tips and tricks for Teachers, Military, Social Security, and more. 

Individual Tax 


Tips and Tricks to help you file your taxes and get the most out of your return.

Business Tax


Tips, Tricks, Forms and more to help your business, big or small, succeed!

Answers to FAQs

About Taxes

Click here for answers to frequently asked questions about your finances.

Protect Your Identity

Protect yourself and your tax return from identity theft, scams, etc.

Image by Aaron Burden
Individal Taxes

Individual Tax Links


Business Tax Links






Identity theft is something we all must be wary of.  Be smart while you are online and protect your computer and information from those who wish to use it against you. Here are some easy tips to follow while online:

1. If it seems too good to be true, it likely it. Email, or phishing, is one way those looking to harm you can easily get to your information. If you have not subscribed to or personally know who is emailing you, do not open it! Always remember that the IRS or MN Department of Revenue will NEVER email or call you. When answering the phone never give out your Social Security Number or your credit card information. If you receive a letter in the mail and are suspicious of it, feel free to bring it by the office and we will take a look at it for you. 

2. Try not to reuse your passwords and always opt for a longer password, using characters often and avoid using names, places, dates, etc. that are easy for others to find out about you. If offered, it may benefit you to opt for the randomly generated passwords. 

3. Secure your searches. Unsecure webpages can put your computer or mobile device at risk for viruses and other malware. How do

you know if a site is secure? Check the URL for the page you are on. If it begins with https:// then you are on a secure website. 

Check out this video from the IRS for other ways to secure your identity while online:

Protect Your Identiy
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